THE AXIOMATIC ALGORITHM OF ALTRUISM A CHILD NOT MY OWN IN WHOM I HAVE A LIFE AND DEATH STAKE I had already written “We Are Cousins, After All”---on the basis of resarch which demonstrated quite recent common ancestors who all living humans share. From this fact, of family relations among every last one of us except for sneakily planted aliens, I felt powerfully the draw to express adoration for all children. This was a matter of heart, however, since cousins might have even more reas...
Attending the Pendent Trend to Rend Humanity to a Brutal Bend of the River of Life SENDING ESSENTIAL MENDING TO LEND OUR HAPPY TENDENCY FOR FRIENDSHIP A PENCHANT TREND, INSTEAD OF DESCENDING INTO THE PIT OF HELL ASCENDANT A fundamental tenet of Koranic code is that God creates men as friends to each other. Thus, a Muslim may question the moral goodness of another without calling into question his worthiness as a fellow human. This formulation is roughly the same as the Christian no...
Credits and Debits and Habits, Plumbing the Rabbit Hole of Memory EACH INSTANT AS RECOLLECTION & ACTION COMBINED “Best laid plans of mice and men go aft aglee” is close to Donne’s original quotation. A lithe lass with whom I shared some sweet, hot, wet interactions recently left a red rose and paper containing two words---“THANK YOU!”---on the pillow we shared, my unusual somnolence allowing her quiet escape to Miami. She paid me a marvelous compliment, just before she fled forever in...
An Intuition of Fruition in a Blog a Day, Or, Hello, Hello, I Occasionally Bellow About Paying Dues and Tithing Tuition Saying hello to virtual acquaintances is not a lot easier for me, psychically, than bellying up to the bar to flirt and seduce whatever remnants of the cognescenti are present when I wander through whichever den of iniquity I happen to inhabit at any give moment. I admit that, unless a source of something more powerful and poignant happens to be under cover on the sta...