Gambles and Rambles Among Chance’s Brambles ROUTINIZED AND MECHANIZED BANDITRY OF SUNDRY SUCKERS Mo will make the perfect barkeep when he arrives in Toronto. He’s never tasted the first sip of wine and has no intention of imbibing anything, ever. Islam imparts a lot of discipline. His beautiful wife and “little bird” son are cooing from Canada for him to come to them. But first, he has cash to collect and a few menial skills to add to his capacity with computers and data. Most f...
I've written briefly here already about the megatonnage madness that has been abrewing at the Savannah River Site H-bomb factory these last fifty years. The history and political economy of this matter is the subject of a primary series of posts that I have begun to create. In some sense, no other subject is of higher import than this one---climate change, war in general, genetically modifying ourselves out of existence, dozens of possible pathways to destruction are possible to imagine. N...
Here's the rest for any who are interested to continue.... King, apparently, couldn’t find the time or inclination to look into these matters and so manages to see them as establishing a basis for the jury’s conviction and, apparently, for condemning or at least strongly cautioning all teen sexual energy. Marcus’ proclivity for necking and fondling and his spreading his legs had NOTHING to do with the Jury’s decision in May, 2003. To take Marcus’ case as exemplary of the benefits of cha...
Pretense and the Suspense of Nonsense Debates MARCUS DIXON’S SITUATION AND THE FALLACIES OF ‘RACE’ AS AN IDEA I have yet to get really ‘barnyard’ or ‘ghetto’ in the essays and accounts I’ve been posting for the last six weeks. This note serves notice that the “JIM GOES GHETTO!” series has begun, reserved for instances such as this, where the sanctimony and the horseshit are so deep and profuse that the State of Georgia could supply its energy needs on the basis of the manure and hot...
Distractions, Infractions, and Subtle Retractions A FEW CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS ABOUT JOYCE GRIGGS Joyce called me last night, and asked,, “Why’d you put that in there about steamy affairs,” she paused for emphasis, “with White Officers and Black businessmen?” She was referring to the article I posted April 17. I thought she would like the piece, and she did, for the most part. But she corrected my mis-statement about her love life, for which I want to apologize. My respon...
An Immigrant’s Intrepid Initiative Against Ignorance SGT. MEJIA’S HEROIC, COURAGEOUS COMMITMENT TO HONESTY THERE'S SO MUCH MORE TO THIS STORY THAN I HAVE THE TIME AND RESOURCES TO DEVELOP NOW. SO SAYING, THIS STRIKES ME AS ONE OF THE HIDDEN, YET CENTRAL EVENTS OF THIS MOMENT IN TIME. Camillo Mejia wended his way to South Florida from Costa Rica. His family left the “Switzerland of Latin America,” on many indices of well being ahead of the United States, for the economic potenc...
Dedications, and Indications of Eradicating the Addiction to Bigotry LITTLE KEYSVILLE, GEORGIA GETS A CITY HALL AND GIVES TO US ALL A CHANCE TO HOPE FOR SIMILAR THRALL Sometimes the smallest development can portend the marvel or the terror that is coming. These days, when a focus on the insanity and brutality is as easy to envision as remote access to CNN or Fox, optimism is hard to find anywhere near the center of things---where, even if it exists, the dogfights around ownership and...
“RACISMUS RIDICULOSITY”: Putrid Paradigms and Random Murder THE STUPIDITY OF RACISM, AS AN IDEA, AND THE RESULTS TO EXPECT FROM ITS CONTINUATION AS THE STANDARD OF THOUGHT The ruination we bring on ourselves, by our current unwillingness to be honest and responsible, grows daily more abominable. And, God knows, we all contribute to this tendency. I know I do. None of us is capable of even recognizing perfection, let alone acting perfectly or being perfect. The abomination that r...
ONE INNOCENT BLACK MAN IS FREE Georgia’s Supreme Court Releases Marcus Dixon The Supreme Court of Georgia has issued an historic decision, one that strikes a blow for justice instead of the all too typical opposite case. Marcus Dixon, a young man of charisma, style, brilliance, talent, and immense athletic prowess languished in prison for more than a year for the “crime” of agreeing to have sex with a high school classmate. She accused him of rape when her father savagely beat her, a...
Pickle Payments: Dried-Up Trickle-Down Economics That Leave Wage-Earners with Sticks and Stones and Broken Bones MOUNTING MOUNT OLIVE BOYCOTTS TO CHANGE THE WORLD Saturday marked another instance, among hundreds of thousands of such cases that take place daily in different corners of the human condition, of unheralded social foment that portends irreversible changes in how we live and what is cooperatively possible for us to do. The situation...
This Woman Gets Naked in Public to Save Us HOW A FRAUDULENT MEDIA, FOR AN ASLEEP-AT-THE-SWITCH PUBLIC, FOLLOWS THE SCRIPT AND DOESN’T PAY ATTENTION Helen Caldicott is an extremely attractive woman, a driven genius of Seventy Winters whose voice and humor are as piercing and haunting as her logic. She shares a Nobel Prize for her role in creating Physicians for Social Responsibility, and has garnered praise and awards otherwise essentially innumerable, in addition to writing copious ...
The excellent entry a few days ago, about Adult ADD, has taken hold in my mind. My children are of an age that results in significant numbers of their peers being on powerful prescription drugs that are essentially addictive amphetamines and tranquilizers. This addictive epidemic occurs simultaneously as our taxes pay for a futile and brutal and stupid “War on Drugs” that more and more nations, where rational discourse has more cachet than here, are rejecting as policy or practice. Cana...
“Human Sacrifice Zones” and the Moans of Pain Inaudible from the Thrones of the Mighty HISTORY, LAW, AND THE LAYERING OF HUMAN MEANING The “Incident at Owl Creek Bridge”, by Ambrose Bierce---the best writer in American history, perhpas, and the “Old Gringo” of Carlos Fuentes’s book---should annually be a required text for all U.S. citizens. It tells of a wealthy Southern romantic, cut off from the human costs of his choices, whom a treacherous Yankee scout---dressed in Confederate g...
Thursday’s Earth Day: What are the Other 364? WHEN PSYCHOLOGY SEES ECOLOGY AS JUST MYTHOLOGY, PREPARE THE EULOGY FOR HUMANKIND The origins of the celebration of Earth Day are fantastic to remember---the culture and thought and ethos of oneness and abundance and impact, the idea that a single person might join with others to reform or otherwise improve the collective. The 1960’s were ending and the sobering and debilitating recognition of oil as a non-renewable resource had not yet b...
Running & Stunning & Gunning & Shunning Without Cunning Any Sense of Responsibility for the Carnage Wreaked in Our Names CRIMINAL INJUSTIC IS A SYSTEM---EITHER WE CHANGE IT, OR IT WILL CONTINUE TO EXPLODE IN OUR CHILDREN’S FACES Working as a prison guard has to be some of the most grueling and gruesome work imagineable. This would prove especially true---at least I want desperately to think so---when the normal course of a shift involves killing someone with a stun gun. This has oc...